Wednesday, February 9, 2011

PMA's image stained by General's implicated in corruption

          There was a time when being a PMAyer was considered a great pride and honor.
          I remember vividly in high school being so proud wearing the school PMT or Philippine Military Training uniform once a week feeling the touch of being in the military service. PMT training was then part of secondary requirement for graduation. The thought too of taking the PMA exam after high school had always crossed the mind of every student knowing that being a PMA cadet brings honor to oneself and family.
          At that time the military service was considered a respectable and highly prestigious profession and great honor for one to be part of. It was certainly the dream of every young man to have a shot at Philippine Military Academy. It was not common to be a PMA cadet and to be commissioned as Lieutenant in the regular Armed Forces of the Philippines, more so dream of having a Star Rank (General) in the service of people and country.
          Public acceptance for PMAyers was at its highest peak. Respect and admiration for PMA as an institution producing good, honest and trustworthy leaders was unprecedented that many Filipino family wanted a son or relative to be PMA graduate. It was a great achievement to have one in the family graduating from PMA. Being so-called  'MISTAH' was the envy of everyone.
          Then came the dictatorship that saw the use of the military by a Commander-In-Chief who knew the art of staying in power with military support. The Armed Forces of the Philippines became an instrument of wielding power in a governance that was suited and tailored for one president to overstay his mandate that lasted more than 20 years resulting to declaration of Martial Law in the country. Corruption and abuse in the AFP became rampant and the Generals had their heyday enjoying and benefiting from power sharing of a dictatorial regime. Most if not all of the Generals graduated from PMA. Many became powerful, rich and influential causing many to believe the non-observance of principles of honesty and integrity to which they have sworn to observe.
          Presidents and administrations came after the dictatorship but still the military influence was felt. Many Generals after retirement were appointed to positions in the Civil Service and even in the Diplomatic Corps. And the abuses and corruption have never been properly addressed.
          Then came the ouster of a democratically elected president ERAP as a result of the impeachment trial that paved way for the assumption of then vice president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo whose ascendancy to the presidency had the military backing of then Chief of Staff Gen. Angelo Reyes withdrawing support to his Commander-In-Chief. Macapagal-Arroyo's assumption happened with relative ease with military support, again with Generals in the picture.
           The AFP had a continuation of power dominance under a president who also took advantage of using the AFP to propel her administration making it safe and secured for nine years from any political threat or disturbance. "Scratch my back, I'll scratch your" seemed to have been GMA's safe mode to stay strong in governance with military backing. Again, we saw the Generals in high gear wherein the Chief of Staff position becoming the most coveted post in the AFP. Every Chief of Staff that served GMA was a PMAyer.
          Today we have a new government, a new president Benigno Simeon Aquino III as Commander-In-Chief. His presidency is anchored on a fight against graft and corruption. His battle cry "Ang Daan Matuwid and Kung Walang Corrupt Walang Mahirap" and in fairness we see a different approach from previous administrations in that there's a departure from the usual military dominance to allowing civilian authority to reign in observance of democratic principles.
         The investigations of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee looking into military corruption as revealed by a former AFP budget officer implicating at least 4 Generals, one recently killed himself in a suicide, are being held and will continue as announced by no less the Senate President. All retired Generals implicated including  the officer who is now a state witness are product of the Philippine Military Academy.
         Therefore, even while the implicated Generals are not yet proven guilty, the mere fact all the alleged corruption imputed on them happened during their active duty as Chief of Staff of the AFP, it behooves on them to have protected the institution that moulded their personal and professional conduct but failed to show utmost diligence in performing their duties and responsibilities to protect and safeguard the good name of the institution that nurtured and trained them to become soldier of the Filipino people. Their being named as the Generals involved in the ongoing AFP corruption investigations have caused damage and stained the good name of the Philippine Military Academy, their Alma Mater.
         Now many Filipinos believe that with AFP Generals involvement in corruption, the image of PMA has been tarnished and destroyed.

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